Monday, January 24, 2011

January—Honoring Amelia Earhart

On July 2, 1928, as Amelia Earhart, world- famed aviator and the first
woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean as a passenger, approached the
shores of the United States on her triumphant return home, she was
handed this radiogram: Boston Zonta Club is proud to welcome you as a
member. Signed Alice Bradley, President
A few weeks later, she was inducted into Zonta International and served
as an active member first in the Boston club and later in the New York
club until her tragic and untimely disappearance in 1937. An outstanding
woman with a charismatic personality, Earhart was Universally admired
around the world for her "wildly daring" but "never reckless" courage. Epitomizing
the ideals of Zonta International by actively promoting women to
take on non-traditional fields, she wrote articles about aviation for Cosmopolitan
magazine as an associate editor, served as a career counselor to
women university students, and lectured at Zonta club meetings, urging
members to interest themselves in aviation. In these years, Zonta was
the only non-aviation organization to which Earhart belonged, although
she was besieged to join and to sponsor numerous organizations
at the time.
Source: ZI Website

Friday, January 21, 2011

Young Women in Public Affairs—YWPA

The goal of the Young Women in Public Affairs (YWPA) Program is to encourage more young
women to participate in public affairs by recognizing a young woman’s (age 16-19) commitment to
the volunteer sector, evidence of volunteer leadership achievements and a dedication to the advancement
of the status of women.
In order for more women to be represented in key decision making positions worldwide, we must
encourage young women to pursue careers, or seek leadership positions in public policy making,
government and volunteer organizations and further their education with these aims in view
Applicants are asked to reflect on their voluntary commitment to their school and to their community
and the problems limiting the advancement of the status of women in their own country and
worldwide. The Zonta International Young Women in Public Affairs program looks to the young
women of today for the leaders of tomorrow.
Applications are due to ZCGS by March 1, 2011. Applicants must be pre-university or pre-college
students (age 16-19).
The Zonta Club of Greater Sacramento will award $250, the winner will then compete within
District 9 for $1000. Five International recipients are selected from the District winners to
receive awards of $3000 each.
Applications available at Send Apps to ZCGS (see page 4 for address)
Zonta International, with world headquarters in Oak Brook, IL, USA, is a worldwide service organization
of executives in business and the professions working together to advance the status of
women. The Young Women in Public Affairs Award is one of many programs for women and girls
sponsored by Zonta International. The Award is funded by voluntary contributions to the Zonta International Foundation.

Take Flight with "Amelia Earhart Month" Raffle

1st Annual Take Flight Raffle
To Advance the Status of Women Worldwide
Tickets on sale Jan 1– Feb 22, Drawing will be held Feb 23, 2011
(you do not have to be present to win)
Tickets $20.00 each
WIN a 2 hour Sacramento/Sierra area or/or Bay tour (San Francisco
area) flight for 2 and 1 hour in a state-of-the-art hydraulic flight simulator.
We will coordinate with the winner to schedule the flight during
the spring to accommodate
the weather. The
flight simulator is located
on Mather Field.

January 2011 Meeting will be discussing "Courage House"

Courage to Be You, Inc. was founded to “equip, encourage, and empower individuals to discover and fulfill their God-given purpose.” We realize that before any individual can recognize their potential and discover their purpose, their most basic human needs must be met. But on the streets of our cities and in every country around the world, there are multitudes of vulnerable young children that are not having these needs met—far from it. These children are being exploited, abused, and sold.
They need to be rescued. They need a safe place to belong and someone to assure them that they not only have value, but a God-given purpose. They need a home, and C2BU intends to provide them with one.
It’s a Home.
Courage House. It’s more than a house. It’s more than a shelter. It’s a home—a place to belong, a place to receive comfort, security, safety, and love. Every human longs for one. Every human deserves one.
Currently, there is no licensed, long term residential home in northern California dedicated to the unique and specific needs of minor victims rescued from sex trafficking.  With no dedicated home(s) specific to their needs, young victims are typically charged with a crime and taken to Juvenile Hall where after a period of time they are placed in various foster or group homes.  Within days or weeks, law enforcement reports the majority of these child victims runaway.  The FBI reports when a child runs away one time they have a 25% chance of being trafficked for sex, when they runaway a second time that percentage jumps to 85%.  After repeated runaways, probation and/or CPS look at out of state placement to deter this very common behavior of this population.
Under federal and state law, these young girls are not criminals – they are victims of a hideous, violent crime. They need to be loved and taken care of, not handcuffed and repeatedly placed in facilities that are not equipped to meet their unique needs.
God has placed a passion in our hearts to rescue these children from their horrific circumstances; provide them a safe home; offer healing for their physical, spiritual, and emotional wounds; and lovingly show them that they were created them “on purpose for a purpose.”
If we looked at this task with only human logic, we could easily become overwhelmed or discouraged. But when we look into the eyes of these abused children, we do so with eyes full of faith and hope, confident that this is what God wants us to do for “the least of these.” We need your help. We need partners.
We have set up a donation page on our website that details how you can give to our first Courage House in Northern California. Your donation will take our dream from the realm of the impossible to the possible. Thank you, and may God bless you as much as you have blessed these children.
Contact us for information that is specific to your geographic area regarding this hideous crime against children.
Learn More: