Friday, May 28, 2010

Tell the U.S. Congress to Pass the International Violence Against Women Act! | Say NO - UNiTE

One out of every three women worldwide has been physically or sexually abused during her lifetime with rates of domestic violence reaching 70 percent in some countries. Violence committed predominantly against women ranges from rape to domestic violence and acid burnings to dowry deaths and so-called honor killings. Violence against women and girls is a human rights violation, a public health epidemic and a barrier to solving global challenges like desperate poverty, HIV/AIDS and conflict. Violence and abuse devastates the lives of millions of women, knows no national or cultural barriers, and most importantly, it must be stopped.

The International Violence Against Women Act was re-introduced in the 111th Congress by bipartisan teams in the Senate and the House on February 4th, 2010. If passed, this legislation will be major step in the effort to end violence against women across the globe.

Please help make the I-VAWA a reality for millions of women worldwide. Here’s how you can take action:

  • U.S. Citizen? Urge your Senator and/or Representative to co-sponsor the I-VAWA. Take action online.
  • Write a blog post about the I-VAWA. SeeAmnesty's blog post about the introduction, or use the sample below.

  • Write an opinion editorial or letter to the editorabout the I-VAWA. See the samples below for reference.

If passed, the I-VAWA would do the following:

  • Address violence against women and girls comprehensively, by supporting health, legal, economic, social, and emergency assistance sectors and incorporating violence prevention and response best practices into such programs.
  • Alleviate poverty and increase the cost effectiveness of foreign assistance by investing in women.
  • Strengthen security and deter extremism by reducing social tensions.
  • Support survivors, hold perpetrators accountable, and prevent violence.
  • Create a five-year strategy to fight violence against women in countries which have a high incidence of violence against women.
  • Define a clear mandate for Senior Officials in the Department of State and USAID for leadership, accountability and coordination in preventing and responding to violence against women and girls.
  • Enable the U.S. government to develop a faster and more efficient response to violence against women in humanitarian emergencies and conflict-related situations.
  • Build the effectiveness of overseas non-governmental organizations - particularly women’s non-governmental organizations – in addressing violence against women.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

2010 Komen Sacramento Race for the Cure - Team Statistics

It is a race against time. It will happen. How quickly is up to you! We've come so far. You can help us reach the finish line with your donation to save lives in our community.Your donation is greatly appreciated.